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We Are Located At: 
Seaside Counseling & Wellness
1346 S. Division Street, Suite 102
Salisbury, MD  21804 
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Why footprint?

                              is a theme & evolution of Natural Gardens &         Lawns, Inc. Shine Natural Health, and Now DELMARVA Brain Health Center. Founder, Brian Jones, is an educator and Traditional     Naturopath who has dedicated his life journey to healing the environment and assisting others heal their body, mind and spirit.  As stones are turned in these endeavors, he has uncovered quality     products whose mission is using less and leaving less.

He has formulated concentrated organic, all-natural supplements and sourced non-toxic personal and property care products in packaging that is reusable, recyclable or biodegradable. Thus,

leaving a minimal carbon footprint.

When products are concentrated and effective, we use less.

 When packages stay out  of the landfill, we leave less.

using less. leaving less.

Chevaliers de Sangreal - Hans Zimmer & Richard Harvey

Our Products

Naturally Formulated Supplements

Non-Toxic Home & Garden Products

Products Developing...

Organic Face & Body Care

Our Services

Health Consultations

Here's how it works. . .  Let's keep it simple.

If you intend to live the change you wish to see occur and improve your health at the same time...

1.  Go to the "PRODUCTS" page and order what you would like.

2.  Not sure which supplements you need?  Take the HEALTHY CHECKUP Questionaire  for guidance

or simply email us your request for help by using the "CONTACT" link on the "HOME" page . . .

& we will contact you in the next day or so.

3.  Contact Us or Request a full consult by using the "CONTACT" link on the "HOME" page.

(See "POLICIES" on the "EDUCATION" Tab for information on what the

 full consult includes. We will contact you in the next day or so.)


For FREE Healthy Checkup Questionaire & FREE


Get Informed

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Health Points

Footprint Ecological Products

Salisbury, Maryland

(610) 587-4198

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