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Lyme Disease Management

Lyme disease involves all body systems and affects us at the cellular level. The disease usually appears as an initial acute phase followed by what is now accepted as a chronic phase. Lyme disease can present in a variety of ways and can be diagnosed by conventional medicine as MS, ALS, seizure and other neurological conditions, as well as arthritis, CFS, gulf war syndrome, ADHD, fibromyalgia and various other difficult-to-diagnose MULTI-SYSTEM syndromes. It appears Lyme is able to be dormant and asymptomatic and then, weeks, months or sometimes years later becomes symptomatic again. i.e. - The progression of childhood chicken pox to adult shingles. Various types of opportunistic co-infections (fungal, parasitic, bacterial, viral) can appear along with Lyme and must be addressed also, thus, a challenging task for linear medicine targeting just one threat and not addressing the systemic nature of this, and other chronic diseases. Conventional approaches with antibiotics have been successful for many but not for all with frustrations among patients and practitioners alike. It seems that natural approaches that tap into and stimulate our own immune and enzyme systems can offer some hope of symptom relief as well as long term Lyme test bacterial colony reductions through assisting the body in what it has known how to do for many 1000’s of years –adapting and evolving to old and new threats of a wide diversity. It is also important to develop a team of practitioners (conventional and complementary) who are the best at what they do so you receive the best care and efficiency is established toward your new health realm.

I have been symptom-free of Lyme since 2008. I lived in a wooded area in S.E. Pennsylvania from 1985-2005 and took a tick off my r. femoral area (fold where upper right thigh meets torso) in 2003 and experienced a bulls-eye rash followed by overwhelming fatigue, massive neck / headache and body aches. I went to a conventional Dr. and received 3-4 weeks of antibiotic therapy with a reduction of symptoms. About 3-4 months later, full symptoms returned, I took additional antibiotics for 3-4 weeks with symptom reduction. Symptoms returned 6 months later and I began to heavily research natural approaches to understand how bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal colony counts live and thrive in our body – hoping to determine a long-term direction for managing this and other diseases. Over the past 12 years, I have found some answers and now specialize in this approach toward healing with others who wish to apply this approach.

What follows is an outline of the approach and for those who feel this may be a good fit for them, a method for moving forward to finding possible relief from this and other chronic conditions that are emerging in which antibiotic resistance seems to be a factor in limiting long-term resolution.

The natural approach used focuses on four principles introduced in the following sequence:

1. A stimulation of our innate and adaptive immune systems in order to change and adapt to the adaptations and different forms Lyme presents within our systems including possible mutations to antibiotics. An education “kit” of information to guide and empower you. Our innate system being the one we are born with that fights foreign body threats. Our adaptive system is the one that LEARNS to CHANGE to ever-changing threats. There are SPECIFIC NUTRIENTS, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs, etc. that are needed at specific dosages that are required to accomplish this. This stage is designed as the BUILD HEALTH, EDUCATION STAGE – first meeting.

* EAST COAST (Salisbury, MD area office) patients are encouraged to utilize evolved health screening that can serve, along with other tests, as part of the established baseline health snapshot indicating possible extent of various immune challenges. This health screening is conducted by Cathy Nickels, Clinician. SHINE Natural Health encourages this testing as a valuable initial step. Set up an appointment with Cathy Nickels directly at 410-251-8307.

2. An evaluation and adjustment of specific food and diet / nutritional guides that insure a stimulation of our immune system and NOT a stimulation of Lyme bacterial growth as well as an evaluation of stressors and social / emotional health that can, if not healthy, significantly reduce immune response. Also included is a personal care, home product, and environmental assessment to insure you have a pure environment. This is designed as the REDUCTION OF TOXINS ENTERING THE BODY STAGE – 2nd meeting.

3. A progressive implementation of body toxin / metal reduction, including bacterial and protein debris from Lyme disease as well as BIOFILM HABITAT reduction. Includes a detoxification /cleansing of organs and organ systems responsible for maintaining health. This stage uses specific herbal combinations, enzymes and nutritional approaches that reduce the inflammation that is a result of Lyme proliferation throughout our system. This is the REMOVAL OF TOXINS WITHIN THE BODY STAGE – 3rd mtg.

4. The 4th one hour meeting – the 4th stage - involves addressing the sequestering stage of bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal as well as deep toxic residue. The longer one has even low-level infection, the deeper the infection can travel in efforts to elude the seeking immune system. This stage involves the evidence of infection and toxin residue in the extracellular matrix – that area of fluid that lies between our deepest cells. This involvement is the essence of a chronic disease. The low level, and sometimes higher levels of colony involvement that can , but does not always provoke an immune response sufficient to eliminate – our immune system and antibiotics can have difficulty identifying, provoking and eliminating such infestations. Our adaptive immune system sometimes needs assistance. Strong, vital European Homeopathic remedies based on the water molecule that can access these small spaces and are able to provoke specific “soldiers” within our immune system that, after the remedy shows the immune system where they are, our immune system can engulf and remove through normal elimination channels. The key here and to all these combined approaches is to continue to disrupt the biofilm housing these infections as well as continue to identify where these infections are located and thus, maintain lower colony formation and thus a reduced symptom load – we feel better because we genuinely are better. Continue to supply our immune adaptation needs through optimal nutrition, etc. (outlined earlier) and we have an infection that wishes to leave the host (us) – it is simply too difficult of a terrain - the infection shall seek a more hospitable terrain ( another host) or it simply begins to self-limit and other good colonies that assist the host (us) take over (probiotics are an example of good bacteria).

5. The 5th step – Maintenance stage once symptom reduction takes place and you are feeling better more consistently. Guide you toward reducing supplement dosages as well as insuring that you have specific nutrients and protocol on hand should stress, sugar consumption, or additional tick bites occur and symptoms return. This is usually a ½ hour phone consult and priced at that rate.

Full information of each stage is reviewed in each of FOUR MEETINGS ONE HOUR IN LENGTH. You will receive much “user-friendly” written information as well as receiving detailed time with Brian Jones, Naturopath. Each of five (5) meetings is usually 1-2 weeks apart and cost is $125 / hour / mtg. Between meeting communications via email and phone are no charge. Additional, more detailed meetings are on an “as needed” basis and usually occur every other month. There are specific supplements needed for each of the meetings that begin at a therapeutic level and then move to lesser amounts at a maintenance level. Supplements can be picked up at the office or mailed to you. Refills receive a discounted price. Meetings are held at the California office (Santa Barbara area) or via phone / email throughout the U.S. Consults and seminars are held periodically (3-4 times per year) in the Rehoboth Beach – Bethany Beach, DE – Salisbury, MD areas as well (please email for next scheduled seminar). The healing period for this approach is usually one month of recovery for every year you have had Lyme Disease with symptoms leaving the body and mind (neurological / cognitive issues) in the reverse order that they arrived. Names of those who are successfully involved in the program are available. ** Initial intake consult fee is $125 and is fully credited to 1st step in protocol.

The guided educational program (the four steps) to improve health addresses the following:

1. An initial phone or in-person consult to determine if approach is a good fit for you

Cost $125 - Upon approval

2. A small “kit” of information as well as an education guide will be sent or given to you outlining policies and procedures that will guide your meetings.

3. An evaluation of health information and tests outlining your present health condition.

* This approach involves a focus on maximum stimulation of one’s immune system and, thus, involves all aspects of one’s health.

4. Replace enzymes / probiotics / HCL (stomach acid) for proper digestion, absorption and elimination.

5. Restore proper bowel flora to optimize immune and colon function.

6. Establish improved water hydration / absorption.Increase body electrical activity – calcium, mag., silica.

7. Evaluate present supplementation and make recommendations.

8. Adjust lipid and glucose profile (cholesterol, sugar) with glucose and Omega 3-6-9 balancing.

9. Weight management. Food and nutritional guidance designed to optimize healthy weight.

10. Establish exercise needs and approaches.

11. Quality of life issues and stressors discussion regarding impact on our health.

12. Educate and guide need to detox heavy metals and other toxins – parasites, from the body.

13. Educate and guide need for muscular, skeletal, and nervous system balance.

14. Educate and guide need for hormonal, neurological balance, and non-toxic personal care.

For more information or to begin: or call, text: 610-587-4198 (cell) or email : to discuss your Lyme disease or other chronic conditions.

*Note: The content on these pages is not meant as a substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Patients / clients are encouraged to pursue traditional / conventional health approaches to Lyme Disease and other serious health conditions as needed and referred to by your personal care physician. The approaches outlined on these pages are designed to guide / educate individuals in stimulating our immune systems, guide / educate individuals in ideal diet / lifestyle approaches, and guide / educate in methods of improving health through detoxification and cleansing. The approach deals with many health factors and therefore is holistic in nature, not linear, that is, having a singular approach. It is the belief of this health practitioner that true healing must address factors that cause disease and correct the dysfunction and not address factors that simply reduce symptoms only to have colony counts rise later and become symptomatic. There are some approaches that utilize both conventional and complementary (natural) approaches quite successfully. It is up to the individual to evaluate what is the most effective approach to affect long-term health, vitality and quality of life.

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