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Demystifying Lyme and It’s Co-Infections – A Model For Healing . . .

Lyme and Co-Infections

I had Lyme and various co-infections from 2003-2008. I thought I was going to pass from this Earth. I am symptom free now. This narrative is about the knowledge I have gained over the past twelve years in dealing with this disease.

Lyme Disease and it’s co-infections (examples: bartonella, babesia, ehrlichiosis, mycoplasma) involves all body systems and effects us at the cellular level. Although we have grown in our knowledge of this disease, the transition to a true understanding of the mitigating factors involved in long-term management and relief remains frustrating and elusive for many patients and practitioners alike.

Emerging Integrative Tools

In this article, it is proposed that as patients and health practitioners we are guided in our approaches toward Lyme and co-infection management by utilizing limited tools in a toolbox that have served us so well for many years and this limited tool inventory serves as the base for the chronic nature of this disease. However, as occurs with the change and evolution process and with we humans about every 50 years or so, there are major leaps in development and innovation occurring in many fields including health knowledge. We have a need to learn, change and accelerate the incorporation of new tools, sophisticated tools and protocols that acknowledge the adaptive nature that is the Lyme presentation as well as evolve our approach to various resistant strains of parasitic, viral, bacterial and fungal populations searching for a willing host.

The diseases of tomorrow are already here. They are not mystical, they are not so terribly

elusive in their response to effective means of Lyme spirochete building biofilm limiting their influence within us, and they do not “hide” in their endeavor to overwhelm us with their virulence. The actions of such antigens tend to be somewhat predictable and can be understood once newer health models are examined and applied. These antigens simply wish to live and thrive in a willing host that presents favorable terrain. Understanding how they do this serves as the foundation of the limiting effort by all. Healing models utilizing new tools are main stream in Europe and serve as a complementary effort along with specific antibiotic protocols. This disease, and others, are able to adapt through their sophisticated identification and communication systems that learn the signature of antibiotics and begin to build a defense. They tend to reside in a biofilm that can serve as their living quarters. Specific protein-consuming enzymes produced by our pancreas attend to the task of breaking down biofilm. Antibiotics, herbal and homeopathic preparations tend to be less effective than these enzymes.

Utilizing Tools Already Here

Unless we acknowledge a misunderstanding of that which is fearful to us – that this disease and its co-infections have some hidden knowledge of how to evade and elude our best elimination efforts - this approach and fear of our ineffectiveness can render us seemingly powerless to manage this disease – indeed, is this a common belief thread – our own disempowerment? Those suffering from this disease report to me a hopelessness and helplessness to get better. How sad. There are answers. We are not disempowered in the management of this disease, we have a need to view this issue with new eyes. Much evolution has occurred. We need to accelerate the incorporation of new methods, methods already employed elsewhere in the world. The HIV / AIDS healing model taught us to look with new eyes. With this healing model, in addition to the anti-virals used with the body, unless the stimulation of our immune identification and elimination system was brought into the picture in a big way, many would die. So, learning took place and many now live. Practitioners involved not only the judicious use of antivirals, they stimulated the immune systems of their patients. An approach to Lyme and it’s co-infections as well as other diseases will need to duplicate this same approach utilized so effectively with HIV / AIDS.

Fading and Shaping – Stimulating What Our Body Already Knows How To Do – An Opportunity Not A Sentence.

The management of the tomorrow’s diseases that are already here involves the application of tried and true methods of healing that are already here. The methods involve a fading in the use and re-tooling of previous tools utilized and a shaping of new methods and tools to be used in the re-education into the adaptive nature of Lyme and it’s co-infections. Key to this effectiveness is an understanding that we must continually adapt our methods that have always been here - right in front of us. The methods present us with what we already know . . . that the possibility exists that these diseases are presenting themselves as a method to clean up our own house – our bodies, minds, thoughts and the very beliefs as to how we obtain and maintain our health – for it now seems to elude us. Have we depressed our immune systems to the point where diseases once held in check, now thrive? Are our once-thriving immune systems busy elsewhere? Does Lyme disease and it’s co-infections as well as the other antibiotic resistant strains simply present to we humans the opportunity to evolve and thrive in the wake of such a threat? In our responsive adaptation and by applying new tools, can we match the adaptive nature of these threats?

Lyme Presents Similarities

Lyme Disease can present in a variety of ways and be diagnosed by conventional medicine as MS, ALS, seizure disorder and other neurological conditions as well as arthritis, CFS, gulf War syndrome, ADHD, fibromyalgia, and various other difficult-to-diagnose MULTI-SYSTEM syndromes. There is much confusion. Even the testing that is done to determine positive status remains non-definitive with many false positives and negatives appearing. It appears Lyme is able to be dormant and asymptomatic and then, weeks, months or sometimes years later, become symptomatic again. An example of this sequence is the dormant chicken pox virus that can be dormant for years only to manifest in later years as shingles. Various types of opportunistic co-infections (fungal, parasitic, bacterial) can appear, indeed, are transferred to the host along with the tick bite, and must be addressed with slightly different tools for they tend to inhabit various body systems in their efforts to thrive also, thus, creating a potential challenging task for any linear approach targeting just one threat- i.e. – a particular drug or herb directed at one specific antigen / threat. These drugs seem to be effective initially, however, long-term, other added complementary strategies are necessary to achieve long-term decreased colony counts and non-symptomatic patients. Do these linear approaches not address the adaptive / learning nature of these colonies and thus, while we may experience an initial relief, once the bacterial colony adaption takes place, do symptoms return and the cyclical nature and revolving medication administration continues as these colonies reorganize? Herein lies the true nature of a chronic disease – we believe there is to be a long-term effect of a particular approach, when it does not provide this. Are we simply too familiar with these approaches – unwilling or unable to incorporate additional complementary approaches? Important to note is these former strategies were initially developed to be acute interventions on the battlefield, the effectiveness declines as acute tools are applied to chronic, evolving, adapting conditions. They simply do not bring to the new battlefield terrain the troops necessary for long-term recovery.

Is it time to utilize the best of these conventional approaches (especially early when the colonies have not formed their sophisticated organization and communication / adaptation) along with protocols that create and alter an internal adaptive environment in which Lyme and it’s co-infections are unable to thrive and therefore initiate a self-limiting existence in which they know they will eventually have to leave the terrain (us) in order to thrive in another , more receptive one - another person who is not so adaptive and healthy? It seems that natural approaches along with select conventional approaches that tap into and stimulate our own immune and enzyme systems can offer significant hope of symptom relief as well as long-term Lyme test bacterial, parasitic, and fungal colony reductions through assisting the body in what it has known how to do for 1000’s of years – adapting and evolving to old and new threats of a wide diversity. Through the ages, we have seen where putrefaction and morbidity reside, so does a biological terrain capable of sustaining increased disease. Nature will just not tolerate this condition. Will nature provide a stimulus to correct this putrefaction – in our case, a state brought on by a contaminated toxic environment, pesticide accumulation, non-natural, altered foods as well as the very thoughts and beliefs that can sustain this contamination? We humans are the most adaptive of any species now on Earth. Let’s apply these techniques to Lyme and its co-infections. Let’s give our being the tools it needs to do this. Can we look with new eyes and be patient and persevere in our application of these evolving approaches? There is opportunity here – an opportunity to heal.

A Personal Healing Story Utilizing Complementary Methods

I have been symptom-free of Lyme since 2008. I lived in a wooded area in S.E. Pennsylvania from 1980-2005 and took a tick off my r. femoral area (fold where upper right thigh meets torso) in 2003 and experienced a bulls-eye rash (not all infections experience this rash) followed by overwhelming fatigue, massive neck / headache and body aches. I went to a conventional Dr. and received 3-4 weeks of antibiotic therapy with a noticeable reduction of symptoms. About 3-4 months later, full symptoms returned and another 3-4 weeks of antibiotics reduced symptoms. Symptoms returned again 6 months later and I began to heavily research natural approaches to understanding how bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal colony counts live and thrive in our body – hoping to determine a long-term direction for managing this and other diseases. Over the past 12 years, I have found some answers and now specialize in this approach toward immune system stimulation and health. Healing trends toward one month for each year of infection, followed by continued incorporation of these approaches – although with less intense application.

What follows is one successful approach utilized with patients and clients toward long-term resolution and relief from this condition as well as other chronic issues.

Lyme disease and its co-infections tend to move from the outer to inner areas (deeper) of our body systems. It can stop in a particular system and remain there, not moving deeper or it is able to move in a progressive manner through these systems. What symptoms I have observed is the progression from initial joint and muscular involvement to organ and peripheral nervous system inflammation to deeper central nervous system (brain, brain stem and spinal cord ), blood and lymph vessel, and then to cellular (mitochondria) and extracellular fluid areas. It seems to go deeper and deeper into our system. This shift appears to be dependent on our ability to mount an adaptive immune response – young people seem to experience a delay more often, as, traditionally, our system’s adaptive response can be age-dependent. The health approaches are applied and adapted to each individual’s presentation and co-infection complications. Although there are some specifics that apply to all, health protocols are individually designed. It is recommended that an integrative team of practitioners be involved with your approach.

The following steps have shown some success. The natural approach used to stimulate this adaptive immune process focuses on four principles introduced in the following sequence.

1. THE “BUILD-HEALTH” STAGE - Stimulate our innate and adaptive immune systems in order to change and adapt to the same adaptations and different forms Lyme presents within our systems, including possible mutations to antibiotics. Our innate system is the one we are born with that fights foreign body threats. Our adaptive system is the one that LEARNS TO CHANGE to ever-changing threats – it must first have maximum availability of the tools needed. There are specific nutrients - probiotics and digestive enzymes for maximum absorption of vital adaptive immune-building nutrients, vitamins (A,B,C,D, E), minerals (zinc, selenium), enzymes, herbs, and homeopathic preparations at specific dosages and individually assigned are required.

2. “REDUCTION OF TOXINS” ENTERING THE BODY STAGE – An evaluation and adjustment of specific food and diet / nutritional guides that insure a stimulation of immune system and NOT a stimulation of LYME bacterial growth as well as an evaluation and adjustment of specific approaches to stressors and social / emotional health that can, if not healthy, significantly reduce immune response. This stage involves a purification of water, food and our living environment (low environmental fungal and no pesticides on food or in environment). Sugar and carbohydrates can increase bacterial colony counts dramatically – if colonies are to be reduced, sugar and carbohydrates need to be eliminated.


progressive implementation of body toxin reduction, including bacterial and protein debris from

Lyme and co-infections. This is a vital, continual disruption and dismantling of the biofilm in which these colonies require to grow and communicate and protect themselves from antibiotics and the immune system – specific enzymes recognize and dismantle this biofilm, herbs and antibiotics tend to not recognize biofilm as a threat ( biofilm is similar to dental plaque on our teeth that serves as a base for tooth decay bacteria – we brush / disrupt this each day, thus delaying tooth decay). This step includes a detoxification / cleansing of organs and organ systems responsible for maintaining health. This stage uses specific herbal combinations, enzymes, and nutritional approaches that reduce the inflammation that is a result of Lyme proliferation throughout our system. These enzymes and supplements include the use of lumbrokinase, protease enzymes , nattokinase, N-acetyl cysteine, and catalase).

4. IDENTIFICATION AND REMOVAL OF THE DEEP, SEQUESTERING STAGE OF BACTERIAL, VIRAL, PARASITIC, FUNGAL AS WELL AS DEEP TOXIC RESIDUE BY- PRODUCTS FROM THESE COLONIES. The longer one has even low-level (low colony populations) infections, the deeper the infection can travel in an effort to elude the seeking immune system. This stage involves the evidence of infection and toxin residue in the extracellular matrix – that area of fluid that lies between our deepest cells. This involvement is the essence of a chronic disease. We feel better, but just don’t feel ourselves. . . the low level, and sometimes higher levels of colony involvement that can, but do not always, provoke an immune response sufficient to eliminate – our immune system and antibiotics can have difficulty identifying , provoking, and eliminating such infestations. Our adaptive immune system sometimes needs assistance. Strong, vital European Homeopathic remedies, based on water delivery, have been able to access these small spaces and are able to provoke specific “soldiers” within our immune system(proliferating cell nuclear antigen – PCNA, elongation factor 2 – EF2, and interlukin-1)that , after the remedy shows the immune system where they are, our immune system can engulf (T cell activity) and remove through normal elimination channels.The key here and to all of these combined approaches is to continue to disrupt the biofilm (like tooth-brushing) housing these infections as well as continue to identify where these infections are located and thus, maintain lower colony formation and thus a reduced symptom load – we feel better because we genuinely are better – we have less of colony load and less debris within our system.Our system is receiving additional oxygen and nutrient delivery and we feel added energy as a result – the nature of our feeling better. As we continue to supply our immune adaptation needs through optimal nutrition (i.e. - less sugar, dairy, gluten that can feed colony counts), infections within tend to leave us - it is simply too difficult a terrain to remain.


There are successful approaches to confronting Lyme and its co-infections. Increasingly, these approaches are of an integrative nature, utilizing the best of all approaches – conventional and complimentary. From successful AIDS / HIV health models we learned that our immune system must be heavily involved – specifically, our adaptive immune system must be stimulated with the many evolving natural and conventional efforts now accumulating in the toolboxes of increasingly enlightened patients and health practitioners alike. The integrative model seems to bear increasing responsibility to address the changing, adapting nature of emerging diseases that appear to have adapted well to our miracle drug-dependent approach, while certainly an effective tool, is not able to effect long-term resolution of an increasing numbers of health threats arriving and,knocking loudly at our collective front door. The need to consider a clean, health-stimulated

terrain – within us and with our Earth - and to develop effective health benefits from this acknowledgment seems to be developing quickly. Gathering new tools in our toolbox can serve us well.

Brian D. Jones, M.Ed., Traditional Naturopath is a 63 year old health practitioner with a natural health practice in Ventura, CA. He leads health seminars throughout the country and conducts office, phone and internet consultations. He can be reached at or © 610-587-4198.


  1. ENZYMES – The Foundation of Life – Lopez, M.D.; Williams, M.D., Ph.D; Miehlke, M.D. – Neville Press, 1994 (*Originally printed in German – check for translations).

  2. HEALING LYME DISEASE COINFECTIONS – Complementary and Holistic Treatments for Bartonella and Mycoplasma – Buhner – Healing Arts Press – Toronto – 2013

  3. HEALING LYME DISEASE NATURALLY – History, Analysis, Treatments – Wolf Storl – North Atlantic Books – Berkeley, Calif. – 2010

  4. MINERALS FOR THE GENETIC CODE – Charles Walters – Acres U.S.A. – Austin, TX – 2006

  5. PLAGUE TIME – New Germ Theory of Disease – Paul W. Ewald – Anchor Books – New York – 2002

  6. RADICAL FORGIVENESS – Colin Tipping – Sounds True Books – Boulder, CO – 2009

  7. THE SPONTANEOUS HEALING OF BELIEF – Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits – Braden – Hay House – Carlsbad, Calif. – 2008

  8. THE TOP 10 LYME DISEASE TREATMENTS – Defeat Lyme Disease with the Best of Conventional and Alternative Medicine – Rosner – BioMed Publishing Group – South Lake Tahoe, Calif. – 2007

  9. WHY CAN’T I GET BETTER? – Solving The Mystery Of Lyme & Chronic Disease – Richard I. Horowitz, M.D. – St. Martin’s Press – New York – 2013

  10. THE LYME DISEASE SOLUTION – Kenneth B. Singleton, M.D., M.P.H. – Book Surge Publication, Charleston, S.C. – 2008

  11. THE ROAD TO IMMUNITY – “How To Survive And Thrive In A Toxic World” –Kenneth Bock, M.D. and Nellie Sabin – Pocket Books, New York – 1997

  12. SURVIVING MOLD – Life In The Era Of Dangerous Buildings – Rich C. Shoemaker, M.D. – Oyster Bay Books, Baltimore, Maryland – 2010

  13. EARTH IN PALM ILLUSTRATION AND SPIRIT, BODY, MIND ILLUSTRATION – Aeon Oliver-Terry, Jordan Terry – LMT and NeuroKinetic Therapy Practitioner / Instructor – Santa Barbara, Calif.

*Note: The content on these pages is not meant as a substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as a self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Patients/ clients are encouraged to pursue traditional / conventional health approaches to Lyme Disease and other serious health conditions as needed and referred to by your personal care physician. The approaches outlined on these pages are designed to guide and educate individuals in stimulating our immune systems, educating individuals in ideal diet and lifestyle approaches, and educate others in methods of improving health through detoxification and cleansing. The approach deals with many health factors and therefore is holistic in nature, not linear, that is, having a singular approach. It is the belief of this health practitioner that true healing must emphasize addressing factors that cause disease and correct dysfunction and complement this emphasis with approaches that can reduce symptoms. There are some approaches that utilize both conventional and complementary approaches quite successfully. It is up to the individual to evaluate what are the most effective approaches to affect long-term health, vitality and the quality of their individual lives.

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